Ik heb het zeker al eerder over de LUG (Leica Users Group) gehad. Aangename mailing list, die bijwijken hilarische threads produceert.
Elke week stuur de LUG administrator een aantal e-mails (3) getiteld Housekeeping naar de lijst. Met daarin o.a. de volgende richtlijnen en regels voor discussie:
The most important rules for the LUG are:
1. Take pictures.
2. Criticize photographs and cameras, not people.
3. Be silent when you think someone needs to be argued with.
4. Take the high road.
Here are the never-changing reminders:
1. Almost nobody ever changes their opinion of another person as a result of a message you send criticizing him. They are more likely to change their opinion of you.
2. If you said it once, and nobody listened, saying it again louder and more forcefully is not going to change anything.
3. Mix Xtol with distilled water, no matter what Mark Rabiner tells you. He must live in a town with magic water. His photographs prove that he doesn’t need distilled water, but ordinary mortals do.
[Update: Kijk eens hier, the world moves in cycles. Had ik nog maar net gezegd dat ik het al eens over de LUG had gehad, en volgens mijn archief is dat bijna exact 1 jaar geleden (26 feb 2003: LUG).]