“Papa! Papa! ’t Is superman.”
– Waar jongen, dat is toch Clark Kent?
“Neeneenee, als die meneer zijne bril afzet dan is hij toch superman!”
Eat this, Lois Lane.
Schitterende scene, uit Tempus Fugitive:
Lois: If you wanna kill Superman, I don’t know why you’re going to Smallville or 1966.
Tempus: She doesn’t know yet. Oh, this is good. This is really good. Um, Lois, did you know that, in the future, you’re revered at the same level as Superman? Why there are books about you, statues, an interactive game. You’re even a breakfast cereal.
Lois: Really?
Tempus: Yes. But, as much as everybody loves you, there is one question that keeps coming up: “How dumb was she?” Here, I’ll show you what I mean. Look (puts glasses on), I’m Clark Kent. (Takes glasses off) No, I’m Superman. (Puts glasses on) Mild-mannered reporter. (Takes glasses off) Superhero. Hello! Duh! Clark Kent is Superman. Ha, ha, ha. Well, that was worth the whole trip. To actually meet the most galactically stupid woman who ever lived.
Lois & Clark: the New Adventures of Superman, elke dag op VT4 tussen 17 en 18u.