Off to a bad start: sinds woensdag geen enkel update meer in mijn Google Analytics interface. Noch voor, noch voor de andere twee sites die ik heb ingegeven.
Hallo, Help Center?
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-Erm well, I’ve installed…
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“Thank you for contacting Google Help Center, Google Analytics section. If your question relates to the Google Analytics Installation, please press one. If you…”
I have installed Google Analytics, but all or some of my data is missing from my reports.
Update: 11:28 AM PST. Wednesday, November 16th, 2005
Currently, report updating for Google Analytics is experiencing delays. As a result, you may not be seeing any data in your reports even after implementing the Analytics tracking code.
We are currently in the process of updating all reports. You should be able to see these updates in several hours. While this is going on, you may notice different reports updating at different rates. Once this process has completed, all data should be restored to your profiles. Please be assured that this update process has no effect on data collection.
We apologize for any inconvenience. This reporting delay is associated with unexpected demand for Google Analytics. Under normal circumstances, the data in your reports will be at most six hours old.