Catch nr. 1:
We’re not providing email address support yet, no, but if you already have an email, then that email should continue to work after you have completed the domain mapping steps. The email will still be hosted through your current provider, however, who is hosting your domain. In the steps to set up domain mapping, the DNS settings that we provide for you should keep your email hosted at your current provider.
Eventually we may add support for email, but until that time you’ll need to retain that provider for your email address.
En dan zitten we natuurlijk terug met twee providers. Toch wel een beetje een dealbreaker momenteel.
Wel interessant zijn natuurlijk:
* Post Scheduling (Past or Future)
* Listening (Music)
* Reading (Books) (+ Automatic ISBN lookup)
* Automatic smart thumbnail generation (al wil ik eerst nog wel zien of ze daar een 120×120 thumbnail kunnen maken zonder verkeerd te scalen)
* Post Importing/Exporting (dus ook van MT)